UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Highlights Global NCAP Role In Road Safety

UN Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, has highlighted the Global NCAP in his latest report on improving road safety. The report describes NCAPs as “very effective in creating a market that encourages consumers to choose vehicles based on their safety ratings”. It also describes the role of Global NCAP in supporting new initiatives such as the Latin NCAP in emerging markets where vehicle growth is strong but independent consumer information on crashworthiness is frequently not available.

The Secretary General’s report has been submitted to the UN General Assembly and reviews implementation of the various UN General Assembly resolutions on road safety during the period October 2009 – August 2011. It provides an account of activities undertaken and achievements attained by the global road safety community. The report concludes with a number of recommendations including that UN Member States “participate in new car assessment programmes in order to foster availability of consumer information about the safety performance of motor vehicles”.

The UN General Assembly will debate the report during its current session in April and will adopt a further resolution setting out priorities for action during the UN Decade of Action. Copies of the UN Secretary General’s report can be downloaded from the website of the UN Road Safety Collaboration at: http://www.who.int/roadsafety/en/.






Sue VandezandeUN, Global NCAP