The Nissan Tsuru In Mexico Has Been Involved In Over 4,000 Deaths In Between 2007 And 2012

Nissan Tsuru

The latest research report launched by Latin NCAP “Car Industry in Mexico – Safety Issues Nissan Mexicana Tsuru” reveals that the Nissan Tsuru, which is manufactured in Mexico, has been involved in at least 4,000 deaths in the country between 2007 and 2012.

The report takes into account official national statistics and describes the results of the analysis of the car industry in Mexico with special attention to Nissan Tsuru. It also evaluates safety aspects of the vehicle in order to identify the number of deaths in crashes involving this model.

For most of the years analysed, the Nissan Tsuru experienced the highest fatality score for crashes in which it was involved. Between 2007 and 2012, there were 2,011 crashes involving fatalities with this model resulting in 4,102 deaths. This represents an annual average of 335 crashes and 684 deaths.

The Nissan Tsuru was tested by Latin NCAP in 2014 and scored zero stars for adult occupant and for child occupant protection.

Access full report here

Alejandro Furas, Latin NCAP Secretary General said: “It is astonishing to see how the Mexican Government is still allowing this model to be sold. Mexico is one of the most important car exporter countries in the world, and it’s exports to more mature economies have state of the art safety levels. Latin NCAP is troubled by how in the domestic market, the car industry blocks, delays and modifies at their convenience the safety regulations proposed by the Government which aim to improve vehicle safety of all Mexicans. The Nissan Tsuru should be removed from the Latin American market”.

David Ward, Global NCAP Secretary General said: “By continuing to sell the Tsuru in Mexico, Nissan are exploiting the lack of crash test standards and exposing their customers to an entirely avoidable risk of death and serious injury. Ahead of the application of UN Safety Standards, Nissan should do the right thing and withdraw from sale this sub-standard and unsafe model.”

Stephan Brodziak, from Mexican consumers’ organisation El Poder del Consumidor said: “In the national vehicle safety survey that we carried out last November, it was found that over 90% drivers of unsafe cars are unaware of the lack of safety standards of their cars. Unfortunately Mexican car regulations are designed to protect the growing margin of the car industry at the expense of the safety of the population”.