Global NCAP Warmly Welcomes Proposed UN Consultation

Democratising Car Safety

Global NCAP welcomes UN consultation on auto industry self-commitment to minimum safety.

Mr Jean Todt, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary‐General on Road Safety, and
Mr Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary & Under‐Secretary‐General
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations
8‐14, avenue de la Paix
CH ‐ 1211 Geneva 10.

November 17 2016

Dear Mr Todt and Mr Friis Bach,

Re: Special Envoy’s consultation on possible industry self‐commitment on minimum safety

Global NCAP warmly welcomes the proposed consultation tabled this week (Informal document WP.29‐170‐28) at the UN Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP29) and strongly endorses the potential for a voluntary commitment to accelerate improvement in vehicle safety during the UN Decade of Action.

This approach is fully consistent with the recommendations Global NCAP made in our report ‘Democratising Car Safety: Road Map for Safer Cars 2020’ launched at WP29 in March last year. A summary of the minimum regulatory package and timetable that we recommend for light vehicles and motorcycles is appended below.

There are a number of important precedents for industry self‐commitments of the kind suggested by the UN Special Envoy. In 2001 the European Car Manufacturers Association agreed a voluntary commitment on pedestrian protection in advance of a final European Commission regulation (*1). In 2006 industry leaders meeting in Geneva made a global commitment that seat belts would be fitted in all light vehicles worldwide by 2008 (*2). In March this year twenty manufacturers in the United States made a voluntary commitment negotiated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to make automatic emergency braking standard by 2022 (*3).

Over the last few years we have maintained a dialogue with major manufacturers and industry associations about the possibility of a voluntary commitment. In April, following the adoption of
General Assembly resolution (A/Res/70/260) which includes a very strong commitment to improved vehicle safety, our Chairman Max Mosley sent a letter to industry chief executives and the
International Organisation of Vehicle Manufacturers encouraging such a voluntary initiative. We have also held a number of bilateral meetings with major companies.

Global NCAP believes that the time is right for the UNECE to encourage automobile manufacturers to make a new global commitment along the lines suggested in our Road Map 2020. Indeed, some of the leading global manufacturers are already close to meeting our recommendations.

A self‐commitment of this kind would contribute significantly to the road safety targets included in the Sustainable Development Goals which encourage private sector engagement in their implementation. A voluntary initiative could also further facilitate harmonisation based on the UN’s 1958 and 1998 vehicle regulatory agreements and help to establish a level playing field of fair competition for the entire industry.

Global NCAP strongly supports this excellent proposal and would be happy to meet with you both to explore further how to encourage the success of your important initiative.

Yours sincerely

David Ward
Secretary General, Global NCAP

UN Consultation





Sue Vandezande