Global NCAP Recognises European Parliament’s Life-Saving Role With Its 2015 Consumer Champion Award

Global NCAP, the world’s vehicle safety watchdog, has given its prestigious 2015 Consumer Champion Award to the European Parliament (EP) to mark the 20th anniversary of legislation to improve car safety standards which have saved thousands of lives over the last 20 years.

Action by the EP in July 1995 to strengthen European Union (EU) front and side impact crash test standards have since dramatically improved levels of cars safety, contributing to an overall 55% reduction in car occupant fatalities across the EU. (*1)

Global NCAP presented its award at a special ceremony in the Parliament in Brussels hosted by Anneliese Dodds MEP. Also recognised was Alan Donnelly former MEP and rapporteur who in 1995 proposed the amendments (*2) which required a more realistic frontal impact test into a barrier ‘offset’ by a 40% overlap at 56 km/h and a side impact test at 50 km/h with a ground clearance of 300 mm.

These tougher requirements were applied in the EU from 19983 and were then also adopted by the United Nations as global standards. Today they are applied by about 50 countries worldwide and a key goal of the current UN Decade of Action for Road Safety is to encourage all UN Member States to apply them by 2020.

Also present at the awards ceremony was former F1 star Gerhard Berger who in 1995 gave evidence to the Parliament in support of the proposed amendments, and the Secretary General of Global NCAP, David Ward.

Commenting on the award, David Ward, Global NCAP’s Secretary General, said:

“Twenty years ago the European Parliament successfully demanded tougher crash test standards which have saved tens of thousands of lives across the EU. This shows how the Parliament’s influence can decisively improve the lives of Europe’s citizens. With new crash avoidance systems now offering the possibility of further steep reductions in road deaths and serious injuries, the voice of the European Parliament as champion of consumer safety is just as important today. Legislative action will again be needed to ensure that the full potential of these technologies is realised. And not just in Europe but also globally by the universal application of the most important UN car safety standards in all world markets”.

Anneliese Dodds MEP, said:

“I am delighted that Global NCAP is giving its Consumer Champion Award to the European Parliament. Road Safety is a major societal issue and the introduction of tougher crash test standards for cars was an important step forward to improve car safety and save lives. It is crucial that the European Parliament continues to work at the forefront to improve road safety and thereby promote public safety and public health.”

Alan Donnelly, Executive Chairman of Sovereign Strategy Ltd (Former MEP for North East England & Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party), said:

“20 years ago when I was drafting this legislation, I never imagined that it would become such a life saver for many families. Many people complain that Europe today is too powerful and interferes in too many aspects of people’s lives, this legislation shows that when it comes to consumer safety we need more Europe not less Europe. This legislation passed because we were able to create a cross party coalition with the support of the European Commission and in saving thousands of lives in Europe I am delighted that it is becoming a bench mark for countries in the world who have never had any automobile safety standards in the past. I am very proud to have played a part in bringing this about.”

Michiel van Ratingen, Euro NCAP’s Secretary General, said:

“The consumer programme got a big push by the introduction of mandatory legislative testing. Euro NCAP has been so much successful because it is able to act beyond the level playing field that legislation created. We hope that going forwards we can achieve equally successful synergies between legislation and consumer information in the area of advanced avoidance systems.”

Antonio Avenoso, ETSC’s Executive Director, said:

“The European Parliament has helped drive a revolution in vehicle safety. But with 500 people dying on Europe’s roads every week, there is still so much more to be done. Research for the European Commission has shown that the next generation of safety technologies including Intelligent Speed Assistance, Advanced Seat Belt Reminders for passengers and Automated Emergency Braking are ready for mass adoption. We hope the European Parliament will play a key role in making sure these advances benefit the many, not the few. Safety should be fitted as standard in all new cars sold in Europe.”

*1 See: Ranking EU Progress on Car Occupant Safety, PIN Flash Report 27, April 2014 – The European Transport Safety Council.
*2 See: European Parliament Reports 26 June 1995 A4-0160/95 and A4-0161/95 – Rapporteur Mr Alan John Donnelly.
*3 The entry into force involved two stages: 1998 for new models and 2003 for all cars in production.