Global NCAP Joins UN Road Safety Collaboration

Global NCAP has become a member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration. The Collaboration is a consultative mechanism on road safety with the goal to facilitate international and regional cooperation among UN agencies and other international partners to implement UN General Assembly Resolutions and the Global Plan for the UN Decade of Action.

Meeting in Geneva at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Collaboration approved Global NCAP’s membership and also agreed to establish project groups for each of the pillars of the Global Plan for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety; these are building road safety management capacity; improving the safety of road infrastructure and broader transport networks; further developing the safety of vehicles; enhancing the behaviour of road users; and improving post-crash care.

The Collaboration is responsible for the Decade’s Plan and its vehicle pillar has seven recommended activities as follows:

Activity 1: Encourage Member States to apply and promulgate motor vehicle safety standards as developed by the UN’s World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP 29).

Activity 2: Encourage implementation of new car assessment programmes in all world regions to increase the availability of consumer information about the safety performance of motor vehicles.

Activity 3: Encourage agreement to ensure that all new motor vehicles are equipped with seat belts and anchorages that meet regulatory requirements and pass applicable crash test standards (as minimum safety features).

Activity 4: Encourage global deployment of crash avoidance technologies with proven effectiveness such as Electronic Stability Control and Anti-Lock Braking systems in motorcycles.

Activity 5: Encourage use of fiscal and other incentives for motor vehicles that provide high levels of road user protection and discourage export of new and used cars that have reduced safety standards.

Activity 6: Sustain investment in research and development of safety technologies that will improve vehicle safety and reduce risks to vulnerable road users.

Activity 7: Encourage managers of governments and private sector fleets to purchase and maintain vehicles that offer advanced safety technologies and high levels of occupant protection.

The Collaboration has more than sixty members consisting of UN Member States, UN agencies, development banks, foundations, civil society NGOs and the private sector. Its next meet will be hosted in April in Washington DC by the World Bank. For further information on the Collaboration and the Global Plan for the Decade, visit:






Sue VandezandeGlobal NCAP, UN