Global NCAP Calls On GM To Urgently Address Zero Star Safety In Latin America

Chevrolet Sail

In the latest crash test results, released in Washington DC today, it was revealed that the Chevrolet Sail has been rated as zero star in the Latin New Car Assessment Programme (Latin NCAP). This repeats the similar zero star rating of the Chevrolet Aveo. Both cars have a high risk of life threating injury and would fail to pass the United Nation’s minimum crash test standards. 

David Ward, Global NCAP Secretary General, has now written to Mary Barra Chairman and CEO of General Motors calling on GM to urgently address safety concerns in Latin America where it has the worst average crash test rating of all the major global manufacturers active in the region. 

David Ward said: 

“GM has chosen to exploit the weak application of minimum crash test standards in Latin America to provide a version of the car that the company would be unable to sell either in Europe or North America. 

“Two years ago GM announced a ‘Speak Up for Safety’ programme billed as an important step toward embedding a customer and safety-centered culture in every aspect of the business. Global NCAP warmly welcomes these commitments but believes that they now must have practical application in Latin America and in other emerging automotive markets.” 

Click here to see a full copy of the letter from Global NCAP to Mary Barra
Click here to see Latin NCAP’s comparative safety ranking of GM

Chevrolet Sail

Read the full Chevrolet Sail test report here
Watch the Chevrolet Sail crash test video here
Download images of the Chevrolet Sail crash test here

Chevrolet Aveo

Read the full Chevrolet Aveo test report here
Watch the Chevrolet Aveo crash test video here
Download images of the Chevrolet Aveo crash test here