Global NCAP Annual Report Published

Max Mosley

Dear Friends,

As Chairman of the Global New Car Assessment Programme (Global NCAP) I am pleased to share with you our latest Annual Report and Financial Statement*. Since our launch in 2011 we have been working to promote safer cars with our partner NCAPs around the world. The fruits of this collaborative effort were demonstrated at our recent Annual Meeting in Tianjin, China, where all our partners presented the positive impact their work is having on vehicle safety in their own regions.

This year we have seen our main project partners ASEAN NCAP and Latin NCAP go from strength to strength with five star results being achieved far faster than we ever expected. This progress would not have been possible without the support of the FIA Foundation, International Consumer Research & Testing, the Road Safety Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank and we are most grateful for their vital contributions. I would also like to recognise the excellent work of the Technical Centre of the ADAC whose crash laboratory has carried out much of Global NCAP’s testing activities.

2014 has been a busy year for Global NCAP’s small but dedicated team led by our Secretary General David Ward and recently strengthened with the appointment of Richard Woods as our new Director of Campaigns and Communication. In May we published our Fleet Safety Guide which encourages managers to choose ‘five star’ cars where possible and which at least pass the United Nations’ most important minimum safety standards. We have also launched the Safer Cars for India campaign, which has already created enormous media and public interest.

In 2015 we are pleased to be partnering with the Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Road Safety Program. So as the midterm of the Decade of Action approaches Global NCAP is gearing up its campaign for all new cars to meet UN standards for front and side impact & for pedestrian protection, and to be equipped with electronic stability control. These will be among the key recommendations we will be publishing next year as our Road Map for Safer Cars 2020. Please contact us if you would like any more information or visit:

Yours sincerely

Max Mosley, Chairman

* For the year ending 31st December 2013