Global NCAP Annual Meeting Features Crash Tests And Decade Of Action Summit

HRH Prince Michael of Kent

The 2014 Global NCAP Annual meeting held in Tianjin, China on 29-31 October has featured crash tests, a summit on the UN Decade of Action and a Roundtable seminar of NCAPs.

Hosted by Mr Zhao Hang, President of the China Automotive Technology & Research Centre (CATARC), and Chairman of CNCAP, the meeting was attended by representatives of ASEAN, Australasian, China, European, Japan, Korean, Latin and US NCAPs and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The guest of honour was HRH Prince Michael of Kent who participated in the special Summit on the UN Decade of Action, the first to be held in China.

Speaking at the Summit, HRH Prince Michael said: “When the UN launched its road safety decade in 2011 it did so to promote action. What we can see here today at CATARC are the translation of the UN’s words turned into action. Your laboratories and CNCAP are pushing the boundaries of both technology and consumer awareness. With international partners, like Global NCAP, you are helping to spread knowledge and best practice. I am especially pleased, therefore, to see China taking up a prominent role in motor vehicle safety. This is entirely fitting given your country’s number one role in the automotive industry and it is exactly the kind of leadership role that the UN Decade needs if its ambitious life-saving goal is to be realised.”

During the Roundtable Seminar the NCAPs presented updates on each of their programmes and responded to questions from an audience that included many representatives from the automotive industry. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below.

– Global NCAP
– China NCAP
– Euro NCAP
– Latin NCAP
– #SaferCarsForIndia

At CATARC’s impressive laboratory facilities, meeting delegates were able to witness both a side impact test and a car to car test. Demonstrations of autonomous emergency braking systems were also organized by Bosch.

In Tianjin Global NCAP also held its Annual Advisory Council meeting with its partner NCAPs which reviewed the organisation’s progress in 2014 and plans for 2015. Technical and Communications Working groups were also held to promote closer cooperation and exchange of ideas within the NCAP family.

The meeting also adopted the Tianjin Declaration on Electronic Stability Control

To see all the photos from Global NCAP’s 2014 Annual Meeting, visit Global NCAP’s Flickr page






Sue VandezandeGlobal NCAP