Global NCAP And Asian Development Bank Train The Trainers On Vehicle Safety

Global NCAP has co-organised with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) a workshop on vehicle safety held at the bank’s headquarters in Manila. The ‘Train the Trainers’ workshop for governments from the ASEAN region outlined the benefits of United Nations regulations in motor vehicle safety and the role of New Car Assessment Programmes (NCAPs) in promoting a market for safety.

Participants were given an overview of vehicle safety in the UN Decade of Action by David Ward, Global NCAP’s Secretary General. This was followed by presentations on crashworthiness by Alejandro Furas, Global NCAP’s Technical Director, and crash avoidance by Jess Truong, Road Safety Project Manager at the Transport Accident Commission in the State of Victoria, Australia. In a session on NCAPs, Khairil Anwar, Secretary General of ASEAN NCAP described the impressive work undertaken by the Malaysian Institute for Road Safety Research (MIROS) in support of the region’s own emerging consumer testing programme.

The Workshop sessions followed the recommendations of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action which highlights the importance of using the UN’s Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP29) and of applying the most important UN regulations for front and side impact, pedestrian safety and electronic stability control. Some ASEAN countries are already signatories to the WP29 agreements and there is considerable scope to increase levels of participation and application of relevant standards.

Commenting on the Manila workshop David Ward said: “Capacity building in regulatory processes and the role of consumer information is a key task during the Decade of Action and Global NCAP is delighted to be working with the ADB and our partner NCAPs to make this possible.”

View David Ward’s presentation