China NCAP To Host Global NCAP’s 2014 Annual Meeting

Global NCAP’s 2014 Annual Meeting will be held on October 28-30 hosted by CNCAP at the China Automotive Technology and Research Centre (CATARC) in Tianjin, China. Announcing the date, David Ward, Global NCAP’s Secretary General, expressed his appreciation to CNCAP for their “invaluable support in agreeing to host our 2014 meeting. It is a unique opportunity for us to hold our annual meeting at CATARC which is a remarkable centre with impressive laboratory capacity and a crash test facility”.

The three day gathering will include meetings of Global NCAP’s Board of Trustees, Advisory Council and Technical and Media & Communications Working Groups. These meetings enable NCAPs to guide the work of Global NCAP and share best practice and experience. There will be a visit to CATARC’s laboratory for a crash test viewing and a special presentation on the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. The Annual Meeting will also feature an open Global NCAP Roundtable at which NCAPs will give short updates on their current and future activities. This will be followed by an Industry Dialogue meeting which will take the form of an informal Q&A session with industry representatives.

For more information about CATARC see:

Further updates about the 2014 Annual Meeting will be posted on the Global NCAP website in due course.