Call On World’s Top Automotive Manufacturers To Align With UN Resolution On Road Safety

United Nations

Today the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which represents the strongest ever commitment on road safety made by UN Member States. The resolution supports the ambitious road safety targets now included in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and also the Global Plan of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) which provides an integrated and holistic framework for road injury prevention.

On the back of the UN resolution, Global NCAP Chairman Max Mosley has written to the world’s leading manufacturer, including industry CEOs, ACEA, JAMA, KAMA, Alliance, and OICA. Calling on them to align with the UN’s latest resolution and recommended vehicle safety requirements.

The General Assembly resolution incudes specific recommendations on vehicle safety as follows:

Invites Member States that have not already done so to consider adopting policies and measures to implement United Nations vehicle safety regulations or equivalent national standards to ensure that all new motor vehicles, meet applicable minimum regulations for occupant and other road users protection, with seat belts, air bags and active safety systems fitted as standard;

The UN General Assembly resolution and the Global Plan for the Decade of Action provide a very clear statement of intent as regards the levels of safety that should be applied to all new passenger cars by 2020 at the very latest. They are closely aligned with the recommendations included in ‘Democratising Car Safety: A Road Map for Safer Cars 2020’ published by Global NCAP last year. This includes an indicative timetable for adoption of the most important regulations (for seat belts, anchorages, front and side impact, pedestrian protection, and electronic stability control) developed by the UN Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations.

An updated version of this Road Map 2020, taking account of the UN’s new road safety commitments, was adopted at Global NCAP’s 2015 Annual Meeting.

Max Mosely Chairman of Global NCAP said:

“We are pleased to see that the UN is now recommending exactly the type of vehicle safety standards that Global NCAP has long been advocating for.

“Global NCAP very much hopes that the automobile industry will join us in welcoming the new General Assembly resolution. We also hope that they will ensure that their company’s vehicle production, if not compliant already, is as soon as possible fully aligned with the UN’s recommended vehicle safety requirements.

“Voluntary action by the automobile industry of this kind would be exactly in line with intention of the UN General Assembly’s new resolution. Such a commitment would also promote harmonisation based on the UN’s 1958 and 1998 vehicle regulatory agreements and establish a level playing field of fair competition helpful to the entire industry.”

Click here to see a full copy of the letter from Global NCAP to Automotive Manufacturers.