Bloomberg Philanthropies Latest Global Road Safety Initiative
Bloomberg Philanthropies today announced the cities and countries selected to participate in a new phase of the foundations’s Global Road Safety Initiative. With a new commitment of $125 million over the next five years, the program will work at the national and city levels to help reduce fatalities and injuries from road traffic crashes.
David Ward, Global NCAP Secretary General, said, “This is an important new step in the Global Road Safety Initiative which focuses on practical and sustainable actions at city and national level. Education and training, knowledge sharing, awareness raising and enforcement are all part of the holistic, systems approach we must deploy to save lives and prevent injuries on the world’s roads. Global NCAP fully supports this approach which closely aligns with our emphasis on road safety improvements driven by regulatory ‘push’ from governments and demand ‘pull’ from consumers.”
Global NCAP is one of Bloomberg Philanthropies Road Safety Partners providing support and expertise to the winning cities and countries which include:
Accra, Ghana;
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
Bandung, Indonesia;
Bangkok, Thailand;
Bogota, Colombia;
Fortaleza, Brazil;
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam;
Mumbai, India;
Sao Paolo, Brazil; and
Shanghai, China.