Annual Awards & Life Time Achievement For Max Mosley

Max Mosley

Max Mosley, the outgoing Chairman of Global NCAP has been awarded a Life Time Achievement Award for his wide-ranging work on road safety, which includes the creation of Euro NCAP 20 years ago, and the establishment of the FIA Foundation and Global NCAP.

The Life Time Achievement Award was presented to Mosley alongside a prize giving ceremony for Global NCAP’s Annual Awards which took place today in Antwerp. The Annual Awards recognise outstanding advocates of consumer protection and innovation in vehicle safety, and were received by Euro NCAP and Vision Zero Pioneer Claes Tingvall.

David Ward, Global NCAP Secretary General said:

“It was an honour to present Max with this Award. Over the last 25 years, very few people have been such tireless advocates for safer cars and road safety.

“In leading Euro NCAP in 1997 he took on the automotive industry and challenged them to make safer cars, they did, 76,000 lives have been saved as a result. With the launch of the FIA Foundation in 2001, he created the world’s leading road safety philanthropy. The Foundation has since led the successful campaign to include road safety in the United Nations framework of Sustainable Development Goals and has contributed more than $100 million to road safety projects worldwide. And with the creation of Global NCAP in 2011, he has helped to build a market for safer vehicles in rapidly motorising countries of South East Asia, India, and Latin America.

“So many people owe their lives to his vision and determination, the road safety community will be forever grateful for his leadership.”

Each year Global NCAP presents awards recognising achievement in consumer related automobile safety. In Antwerp, the following were presented:

Individual Achievement Award – offered to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to motor vehicle safety and protection of consumers.

This year’s winner is Claes Tingvall. Claes, a former President of Euro NCAP, has been the intellectual pioneer of Sweden’s Vision Zero road injury prevention strategy. Vision Zero continues to inspire road safety policy makers around the world. Its holistic ‘safe system’ approach is now followed by national governments, city authorities, and private sector companies. Vision Zero also is at the heart of Euro NCAP’s new Road Map 2025.

Innovation Award – offered to an organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to innovation in motor vehicle safety, technology development, and design.

This year’s winner is Euro NCAP. The award is given in recognition of the continuous evolution of their vehicle testing Road Map. Euro NCAP has emphasised the importance of AEB for vulnerable road user protection including pedestrians and cyclists, and also promotes speed assistance technology. Its new Road Map 2025 strategy takes Euro NCAP towards a vision of zero fatalities and serious injuries.






Sue VandezandeMax Mosley